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Touchdown Club Sponsorship

Perry High School Touchdown Club

The Perry High School Touchdown Club mission is to support the Perry Puma football program by coordinating and staffing events as well as assisting in raising capital funds to support the purchase of equipment, uniforms, Puma Wear, summer camp buses, etc. For more information, please go to:

PUMA Club sponsor levels 2023 rev3

Join the Perry Touchdown Club

Make it official right here   (click on the link below or scan the QR code)




The Perry High School Touchdown Club

The Perry High School Touchdown Club (TD Club) is a great way to become involved with Puma Nation!  The TD Club is a member of the Chandler School Boosters Inc., a 501c3 non-profit tax-exempt organization (Non-profi t Corp Tax ID #35-2451830) established to support the Perry Puma Football Program.  The TD Club not only plans, coordinates, and staffs events, but it also builds community, establishes business relationships, and raises capital for the Perry football program.  Come join us at our TD Club meetings where you will learn about future plans and opportunities to serve while having fun!